Summer in Flagstaff brings beautiful weather and countless outdoor adventures with our pets. However, with warmer temperatures reaching into the 90s, it also requires special care to ensure your pets stay cool, hydrated, and safe. Here’s a comprehensive guide to summer pet care to keep your cats and dogs happy and healthy through the season!

Keep them Cool

dog panting with its tongue sticking out

How to Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer

Dogs can overheat quickly in the summer, so it’s important to take steps to keep them cool:

  • Provide Shade and Fresh Water: If your dog spends any significant time outside, always provide a shaded area and plenty of fresh, cool water. Avoid leaving them outside for long periods during peak heat.
  • Consider Cooling Products: Invest in cooling vests, mats, or bandanas designed for dogs. These items can help lower your dog’s body temperature on sunny afternoon walks and hikes.
  • Avoid Hot Surfaces: Hot pavement and sand can burn your dog’s paws. Walk on grassy areas or use protective booties if you need to walk them during the warmer times of the day.

How to Keep Cats Cool in the Summer

Cats also need help staying cool during the summer months, even if they are fully indoors:

  • Provide Cool Spaces: Ensure your cat has access to cool, shaded areas inside your home. Keep curtains closed to block out the sun.
  • Use Fans and Air Conditioning: Use fans or air conditioning to keep the environment cool. Cats often enjoy lying in front of a fan.

Protect their Paws

human hands holding dog paws on grass

The hot summer surfaces can cause burns and blisters on your cat or dog’s paws. To protect their sensitive paws, consider the following methods:

  • Grass Walks: Walk your dog or cat on grass instead of pavement whenever possible. Pay attention to fake grass or turf, as this can get significantly hotter than real grass in direct sunlight.
  • Paw Wax: Apply paw wax to create a protective barrier against hot surfaces.
  • Cat or Dog Booties: Booties provide excellent paw protection for dogs in summer as well as cats, protecting their paws from heat and rough terrain.

Keep them Hydrated

cat drinking from water spigot outside

Keeping your pets hydrated is essential to prevent dehydration and heatstroke. Make sure you are doing the following:

  • Provide Frequent Water Breaks: Provide water breaks every 30 minutes when you’re out with your pet.
  • Offer Hydrating Foods: Incorporate wet food into their diet or add water to their dry food. Hydrating treats like cucumber and watermelon (without seeds) are also great.

Watch for Signs of Dehydration: Look for signs such as lethargy, dry gums, and excessive panting. If you notice these signs, offer water immediately and move your pet to a cooler area.

Consider Diet Adjustments

dog and cat waiting to be fed

Do Dogs Eat Less in the Summer?

It’s common for dogs to eat less in the summer due to the heat. Ensure they still receive balanced nutrition with smaller, frequent meals and hydrating food or treats. Reach out to a vet in Flagstaff if you are concerned your dog is not getting enough nutrients or if they lose a significant amount of weight.

Do Cats Eat Less in Summer?

Cats may also eat less in the summer, which is normal. You can increase the amount of wet food in their diet to help with hydration and keep an eye on their weight. Reach out to a vet in Flagstaff if you are concerned your cat is not getting enough nutrients or if they lose a significant amount of weight.

Summer Treat Ideas for Cats & Dogs

Treat your pets to refreshing, healthy snacks to beat the heat, such as:

  • Frozen Treats: Make homemade frozen treats with pet-safe ingredients like peanut butter, yogurt, and fruit.
  • Ice Cubes: For a fun twist, freeze toys or treats inside ice cubes for your pets to enjoy.
  • Hydrating Treats/Toppers: Try pet-friendly foods such as seedless watermelon, cucumber, carrots, blueberries, and apples. 

Be sure to take into account your pet’s overall calorie intake when supplementing these summer treats.

Tips for Safely Hiking in Flagstaff with Dogs

woman and dog standing at a reservoir during a hike in the mountains

Hiking is a popular activity in Flagstaff, but it’s important to remember these tips to keep your dog safe on the trails:

  • Choose Dog-Friendly Trails: Consider your dog’s age, endurance, and paw pads before choosing a challenging, technical trail around Flag. 
  • Hike During Cooler Times of Day: Hike in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler.
  • Bring Hydration: Carry enough water for both you and your dog. Use collapsible water bowls for convenience.
  • Don’t Forget Tick/Parasite Prevention: Ticks can be found in Northern Arizona and can pose significant health risks to dogs. After hiking, check your dog for ticks. Remember to use preventative measures to protect against fleas, ticks, and parasites.

Fun Summer Activities for Cats & Dogs in Flagstaff

woman paddle boarding with a white dog wearing a bandana

Keep your pets entertained and active all summer long in Flagstaff with these fun activities:

  • Swimming: Find a safe, dog-friendly swimming spot to help your dog cool off. You could also take them on a SUP or kayak if they are comfortable and confident on the water.
  • Interactive Toys: If it is too hot outside, provide engaging toys and games for dogs and cats to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.
  • Pet-Friendly Events: Look for local pet-friendly events in Flagstaff to socialize and have fun with your pets.

Have More Questions About Summer Pet Safety & Care?

If you have more questions about keeping your pets safe and healthy this summer, reach out to Continental Animal Wellness Center. Our team is here to provide checkups, summer-specific vaccinations, parasite prevention and control, nutritional advice, and more. We are happy to help ensure your pets have a safe and enjoyable summer!

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