1) Upper Lake Mary

2) Oak Creek

3) Ashurst Lake

4) Kinnikinick Lake

5) Seasonal Creeks

Flagstaff is home to several seasonal creeks that can provide a refreshing spot for your dog to swim, especially in the spring and during the monsoon season. Pumphouse Wash in Kachina Village and Kelly Canyon can have seasonal water, but we recommend checking the water levels before heading out, as they can vary depending on the time of year and recent rainfall.
Things to Consider Before Taking Your Dog Swimming

Check for Warnings
Before heading out, always check for any warnings about toxic algae or other potential hazards in the water. Some lakes and creeks can develop harmful algae blooms, especially during warmer months, which can be dangerous for your dog.
Make Sure Your Dog is Up-to-Date on Medications
It’s vital that you double-check that your dog is up-to-date on their dewormers and other medications before letting them swim in any natural bodies of water.
Common concerns include:
This microscopic parasite can be found in untreated water. Dogs can easily ingest giardia by drinking contaminated water or even by licking their fur after swimming.
This bacterial infection can be transmitted through the urine of infected animals, which contaminates water or soil. Dogs that swim in or drink from contaminated water are at risk of contracting leptospirosis. Vaccination against leptospirosis is available and recommended, especially if your dog frequently swims in natural bodies of water.
Blue-green algae or cyanobacteria
During warm months, certain lakes and ponds may develop harmful algae blooms. These blooms can produce toxins that are highly dangerous to dogs.
Skin infections or irritations
Cuts or scrapes can become infected more easily when exposed to dirty water, leading to more serious conditions that require veterinary attention.
Also, flea/tick preventatives and heartworm prevention are particularly important before going around water sources. Mosquitoes are a big problem around standing water, and they carry heartworm.
Schedule a Check-Up or Order Dewormers through Our Vet Pharmacy
By keeping your dog up-to-date on vaccinations, dewormers, and other preventive medications, you can help safeguard their health against these potential risks. Regular vet check-ups are also a good idea to monitor for any signs of infection or illness after spending time in natural water.
At Continental Animal Wellness Center, we offer a full range of services, including an online vet pharmacy where you can order dewormers and other necessary medications. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with our Flagstaff vet or to learn more about how we can help keep your dog healthy and happy.