Surgery at Continental Animal Wellness
Laser Surgery
At Continental Animal Wellness Center we have one of the only state-of-the-art veterinary surgical lasers in all of Northern Arizona. The laser allows us to use modern technology to make very precise incisions with minimal bleeding and tissue trauma that would not be possible with a traditional scalpel blade.
Laser is so precise that it can selectively remove only a few tissue cells at a time. At the same time, it is powerful enough to de-bulk entire tumors. It can be used to make unique bloodless laser incisions, as well as “erase” unhealthy tissue without excessive loss of blood unavoidable in conventional scalpel surgery.
It creates better visualization of the surgical site and allows us to cut more precisely, avoiding unnecessary trauma to healthy surrounding tissues. In addition, some procedures do not require sutures.
Excellent visibility provides another huge advantage of CO2 surgery! This allows us to complete the surgery faster. Short procedures shorten anesthesia time & reduce anesthesia risks. Finally, better visibility ensures better esthetic results.
The laser is a wonderful tool to improve surgical outcomes and has a wide range of applications. We can use the laser on all species of animals and can perform fine delicate procedures all the way to large tissue removals.

Benefits of Laser Surgery

Less Pain
The CO2 beam seals nerve endings & lymphatics, resulting in less post-operative swelling & pain. The patient experiences a more comfortable post-operative recovery.

Minimize Bleeding
As it cuts the laser seals small blood vessels. Reduced bleeding enables the surgeon to perform procedures that would be very difficult or not possible with a scalpel, such as tumors & lesions inside the throat, nose & lips, some types of eyelid surgery, & nasal hyperkeratosis treatment.

Reduced Risk of Infection
The sanitizing effect is one of the unique features of the CO2 laser beam. It efficiently destroys bacterium in its path (sanitizing effect). CO2 laser surgery is performed in a non-contact mode – the laser tip does not touch the target tissue during surgery, which minimizes the risk of infection.

Fast Recovery Time
Reduced risk of infection, less blood loss, less pain & swelling, and less time under anesthesia, all allow for a speedy recovery after surgery. Pets tend to walk, eat, drink, or play much sooner than after conventional scalpel surgery.